The Rise of the Lifestyle Business
The last year and a half thrust the world into experimenting. It limited interactions and separated people from family and friends. For many, the separation crystalized the importance of relationships and in-person interactions. Companies were forced to embrace remote work to safely continue operations, and many workers opted to work remotely near the family and friends they missed—some for weeks or months at a time. The flexibility to do so added immense value to their personal lives. This kind of flexibility isn’t something that many workers have experienced before, and I don’t think they’ll want to give it up.
I anticipate that many people will leave full-time work as employees to become entrepreneurs and solopreneurs over the next eighteen months. The desire for flexibility and a better quality of life will drive many of these transitions. This group will create the next wave of lifestyle businesses.
Entrepreneurs will have lots of opportunities to help these lifestyle businesses succeed. Their founders will make time a top priority and will pay for products and services that save them time. Many of their businesses will be dispersed, so they’ll pay to be part of communities (physically or digitally) of like-minded people.
I’m excited and looking forward to watching this explosion in lifestyle businesses. The ripple effects from it could be big and reshape things in ways we never would’ve imagined.