Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Today I had a chat with the founder of an early-stage company. He’s done discovery and built an MVP. People are using his mobile app, but he’s noticed something odd. Users are telling him one thing, but in the app they’re doing something different. The founder has been leaning into what users have said they want, but the features built to satisfy them haven’t resonated with them. He’s frustrated.

Building a company that sold products to consumers taught me something: for many reasons, consumers don’t always say what they mean. Sometimes they act without thinking about or understanding what’s driving them. They don’t have clarity on their motives, so it’s not realistic to expect them to clearly articulate them to me.

When I found myself in situations where consumer actions and words didn’t align, I followed a simple rule: actions trump words. What people do is likely an accurate reflection of what they’re thinking or feeling, so lean into their actions. It’s easy to say something but not mean it—the energy and time required are minimal. It takes more energy to act. People usually act when they’re driven by a belief or feeling that warrants exerting energy.

I suggested that this founder consider diving deeper into what users are doing by asking clarifying questions about what’s driving their actions—I suspect something is. This may get the founder one step closer to product–market fit.



I read a quote today that I like:

"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up, it knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle, or it will starve. It doesn’t matter whether you’re the lion or a gazelle—when the sun comes up, you’d better be running."

~ Christopher McDougall

I like this quote because it does a good job of illustrating how complacency can negatively affect anyone, regardless of their advantage or lack thereof.


Storytelling Will Be Harder Than I Thought

A few weeks back, I shared that I want to practice storytelling publicly. My storytelling is something I’ve always wanted to improve, but I’ve never taken consistent steps toward this goal. Since that post, I’ve been working on a project that I hope will move the needle.

Today I had some downtime to work on this project. I had to get some equipment to make this storytelling project work as I envisioned it. Today I set up some of it and tested it by recording samples, which were fictitious stories. I realized that I have a long way to go with my storytelling and just how hard it is. I’ve got my work cut out for me.

Even though this storytelling goal will be a lot harder than I planned, I’m looking forward to the challenge and to improving my skills.


Takeaways from Writing about My Reading

This month I challenged myself to start writing about my reading. My goal was to write down—after I finished reading a book—the main concepts and new insights I formed. I’ve completed three books and started a fourth since that post. Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

  • Waiting until I’ve finished a book to begin writing posts isn’t optimal. The books are usually in the range of 200–400 pages, and I read them in multiple sessions. Waiting until the end to write a post increases the likelihood that I’ll miss something valuable. That didn’t feel like the right rhythm. It felt more organic for me to reflect more frequently on a smaller amount of content. I naturally ended up doing this with the books on Ken Langone (here and here) and Bernie Marcus (here and here). I wrote more than one post on each book. Every 100 or so pages felt like a good reflection rhythm. I think I’ll replicate and refine this rhythm going forward.
  • Some books I read are a historical recount of a period or business event. With this type of book, which is an author’s interpretation of what happened and why, I’m looking to understand what happened and whether similar things are occurring today. I read a book about the dot-com bubble and shared a post about a similarity I noticed between that period and today. Biographies and historical books are different. What I seek from each type of book is different. My expectations for my posts should reflect these differences.
  • Now, I’m reading the autobiography of a well-known, seasoned entrepreneur. So far, no concepts have caught my attention, and it hasn’t sparked me to form any new insights. Hopefully, this will change by the time I finish the book. I failed to consider that some books I read may not provide much value to me and hadn’t thought about how I’d handle posts in this situation. I’ve decided that I want my posts to be positive and bring value to others. If I don’t get value from a book, I won’t write a post about it.
  • I need to take notes and highlight important concepts as I read. Reviewing these is a key step in the process of reflecting and writing.

I’m enjoying the challenge so far. Looking forward to continuing next week and iterating as I learn more.


Weekly Reflection: Week Two Hundred Seven

This is my two-hundred-seventh weekly reflection. Here are my takeaways from this week:

  • Sharing ideas – I shared an idea with a few people over the last few weeks. The idea is unconventional. I figured it would be received with skepticism. The exact opposite happened. Several people have been thinking about the topic that my idea’s about for years; they just haven’t talked about it publicly. One person considered starting a company. Another did start a company, but it didn’t last. Instead of having to defend my idea, l heard about lessons learned and was pointed to helpful resources that I wasn’t aware of. Just a reminder that there’s more upside than downside in sharing ideas.
  • Commerce gateway– I thought more about this. Commerce (i.e., retail) has been the historical gateway to entrepreneurship for many. This will likely continue. I’m noticing another trend with aspiring entrepreneurs, which could be an indication of another gateway starting to emerge. I'm seeing more people try entrepreneurship by renting things to others.  Could rentals be the new gateway?
  • Four years of posts – This week marked my fourth year of doing daily posts. I’m proud of sticking with this for so long. I want to reflect a bit on the last year of posting and think about what the next year of posts will look like.

Week two hundred seven was another week of learning. Looking forward to next week!


A Century of Learning from Bernie Marcus, Summed Up

Today I finished reading Kick Up Some Dust: Lessons on Thinking Big, Giving Back, and Doing It Yourself by Bernie Marcus, cofounder and longtime CEO of Home Depot. The book is about Marcus’s life. It describes his upbringing, career in corporate America, transition to entrepreneur, and transition to philanthropist. Marcus is almost 95 and has accomplished (and failed at) many things over the years. I was eager to hear about his experiences and the lessons he learned from them.

Marcus shares what he calls “core lessons in business and life.” He makes it clear that lessons are easy to grasp but hard to put into action. Here are the lessons:

  • Confidence – You won’t get anywhere if you don’t believe that you can “do it yourself.” You must be confident that you have the skills and abilities to accomplish any task or solve any problem. If you don’t have the skills, you can learn most of them without going to school.
  • Teamwork – On the other hand, you don’t have to do hard things by yourself. Some people will help if you give them the opportunity.
  • Full-time – You must be committed and determined to make whatever you’re pursuing work. Marcus says “[t]here is no such thing as part-time passion.”
  • Risk taking – If you find a problem or need that isn’t being met, you must take big risks to meet the need or solve the problem. Consider taking the biggest risks when you’re young; there’s less downside.
  • Failure – “Failure is the price you pay on your way to success.” Marcus describes his ninety-plus-year journey through life as "stumbling" fueled by optimism.
  • Storytelling – Marcus considers this the most important lesson. You must be able to articulate what you’re doing and why it adds value in a compelling story that’s easy to understand.

I’m glad I found this book. I learned a lot about Marcus that I wasn’t aware of. He’s a driven person who’s had a significant impact as both an entrepreneur and a philanthropist.


Bernie Marcus on Failure

After reading the book by Home Depot cofounder Ken Langone, I decided to go deeper on the other cofounders. Bernie Marcus was the CEO for many years, and I discovered that within the last few years, he wrote Kick Up Some Dust: Lessons on Thinking Big, Giving Back, and Doing It Yourself. Bernie is almost 95 years old, so I was curious about the wisdom he’d accumulated after almost a century. I ordered his book.

I’m not finished with the book yet, but so far as I can tell, Bernie has a strong personality and entrepreneurial fire inside him.

Bernie shared his thoughts on failure, and they got me thinking:

"I think how you respond to failure comes down to whether your fear is stronger than your passion. People driven by passion see setbacks as unpleasant, but inevitable challenges. What they know that quitters do not is that failure can be eaten in small pieces."

I never enjoyed failing when I was younger, but my mindset shifted when I started being entrepreneurial. I was passionate about what I was doing and driven to see it succeed. This meant I was trying a bunch of things and a lot of it didn’t work. But I noticed a pattern. Going through the things that didn’t work led me to the things that did work. Instead of looking at things via a success-or-failure construct, I began looking at them as either a success or a lesson that got me closer to success. Failures became expected. Many were still painful, but I focused on what I could learn from each failure instead of the pain.

Failure is part of life. As they say in baseball, nobody bats a thousand. Even the best players strike out at the plate. But a single strikeout doesn’t stop them from winning the World Series as long as they don’t give up and keep playing the game to the best of their ability.


Make Customers—Not Investors—Your Priority

One thing I hear founders discussing is raising the next round of growth capital from venture capital investors. That’s their goal. They orient everything the team does around it. They spend time figuring out what metrics investors need to see to be comfortable investing. Then they work backward to hit those metrics.

I know a founder who set a goal of raising a few million for his seed round, even though he had sufficient capital in the bank. He heard that seed-stage investors want to see a few hundred thousand dollars in revenue before considering writing a check. He wasn’t close to that, so he found a way to get there fast. His software product was sold on a subscription basis (monthly or yearly), meaning the revenue was recurring every month or year. He decided to run a promotion to give new customers lifetime access to the product in exchange for a one-time payment at a heavily discounted price. The result was a surge in new customers and one-time revenue.

The founder hit the metric that seed investors wanted and got meetings with dozens of firms. The problem was that the quality of the revenue was low. First, the revenue wasn’t recurring, but the costs of running the platform were. Next, the customers weren’t people who were enthusiastic about the product because it solved a problem for them. Rather, they were bargain hunters who were loyal to getting something for a steal. They were never satisfied, and they needed a lot of handholding from the service team to onboard and use the product. They just weren’t an ideal customer profile for his product. After many conversations, the VC firms decided against investing in this company—I assume for these reasons.

The lesson from this is to start with the right goal. The goal of any company should be to satisfy and bring value to customers by solving a problem that’s sufficiently painful for them. A company that succeeds in doing this produces positive metrics (revenue, retention, engagement, etc.) that investors like to see.

All companies need capital to stay alive, but continuously raising capital from investors shouldn’t be the end goal. Instead, it should be the byproduct of having created something that satisfies customer demand for a solution to a painful problem and that has the potential to scale tremendously. By focusing on the customer and creating something they want, you up your chances of getting capital from investors (if you even need it).


Takeaway from Bull! A History of the Boom and Bust, 1982–2004

I recently finished reading Bull! A History of the Boom and Bust, 1982–2004 by Maggie Mahar. The book was published in 2004, not too long after the dot-com bubble burst. I’ve seen the book recommended a few times and noticed that the cover includes an endorsement by Warren Buffett, so I ordered it. Also, the book’s narrow focus on the period when interest rates started what ended up being a forty-year decline through 2004 was intriguing to me.

I enjoyed reading the book. Given the focus on a very specific period, it provides lots of details about the economic environment, who the main figures were who had an impact on the stock market, and the key decisions they made. Mahar does a good job of describing her perspective on the impact those decisions had on inflating and bursting the internet bubble.

One thing that caught my attention was her explanation of the role the inclusion of high-flying technology companies in stock market indexes (e.g., the S&P 500 and NASDAQ Composite) played in valuations reaching levels that were hard to justify. She believes that this, combined with the rise of the 401k and index funds, contributed to a significant amount of capital being allocated to these highfliers even though valuations were hard to justify. The valuations of companies kept rising because capital kept flowing into the index funds until the stock market bubble burst around 2000.

This caught my attention because last month, I listened to an interview of David Einhorn, founder of Greenlight Capital. Einhorn shared his opinion of the impact that passive investing is having on the valuations of certain companies in today’s stock market. Essentially, he believes that valuations of companies continue to rise because they’re part of one or more stock market indexes (e.g., the S&P 500 and NASDAQ Composite). Passive index funds track indexes, which leads to the funds buying more shares in these companies, regardless of the valuation, as more investors allocate capital to the passive index funds. For this section of Einhorn’s interview, listen here.

I found this interesting because there’s a twenty-year gap between this book’s publication date and Einhorn’s interview.


F. M. Alexander on the Future

A friend shared a quote today that caught my eye:

“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.”

~ F. M. Alexander

This statement is simple, clear, and true. We have the power to increase the probability that the future we desire will become reality. If you want a particular outcome, consistently act in a way that aligns with that outcome. It will be more likely to happen.  


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